GenreConjurers Mixer Recap

Our GenreConjurers mixer was a blast.

And it’s all thanks to you!

Hello again GenreConjurers…

The last few weeks have rolled by faster than Rick Astley on the internet, but we’re dropping in to say a huge thank you to everyone who attended our VIP event.

This was another great opportunity for all of us to come together and explore all things Brave, Bold, and Genre.

If you happened to miss the literal party of the year, don’t worry.

We’ve got you covered with your very own VIP GenreCon pack - just drop us a line and one will be yours in no time (share those goodies around too, this isn’t Pandora’s Box).

We’re also delighted to announce the winner of our raffle: Pamela Jeffs. Congratulations Pamela!

Be on the lookout for GenreCon’s full program release in October. And if you haven’t snapped up your Early Bird tickets yet, then what are you waiting for? Get that worm and grab your tickets.


Program Preview - Julie Janson


GenreCon 2024: Brave. Bold. Genre. Program Preview - Dr Kim Wilkins